The Order of
The Mustard Seed
The Order of the Mustard Seed is an international, dispersed, lay-led, ecumenical, religious order, originally established in 1716 by Count Zinzendorf, and revived in recent years by the 24-7 Prayer movement. Its contemporary members take three simple vows:
To be true to Christ
To be kind to all People
To take the Gospel to the Nations
These three promises (depicted by 3 leaves on a mustard plant) are made in simple obedience to the three primary requirements of Jesus Christ himself. We pledge to be 'True to Christ' and to be 'Kind to People' in obedicence to the Great Commandment ("Love the Lord your God with all your heart" and "Love your neighbour as yourselve", Matthew 22:37-39). And we promise to take the 'Gospel to the Nations' in obedience to the Great Commission ("Go and make disciples of all nations", Matthew 28:19)
All Christians seek to obey Christ's Great Commandment and Great Commission. These are the foundations of true discipleship. The distinctive for members of the OMS is the way in which we live out our three vows in six practical ways:
We seek to be True to Christ through lives of Prayer and Creativity.
We seek to be Kind to People through lives of Hospitality and Mercy and Justice.
We seek to take the Gospel to the Nations through lives of Mission and Learning.
Members of the OMS generally wear either a tattoo or a ring carrying the words of Romans 14:7 in Greek ("None of us lives for themselves"). This is the original text worn by the founding members of the OMS, and it emphasizes the communal aspect of our Rule of Life - seeking to prefer one another and to honour those who have gone before.
Songbird Abbey is a registered Charity and Non-Profit. We will be providing a meal beforehand and time to be together before the ceremony.
This year we are asking those who attend to give as led to Songbird Abbey through our online giving platform.
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